Песня Charli XCX - Hanging Around смотри


Рус перевод https://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/c/charli_xcx/hanging_around.html



Help me out, I need escape

It's the truth, I got to go

With all the boys in the back alley

And all my girls in the superstore

Because we need electricity

City lights gotta glow for me

Oh I'm more than a car park queen

So get your shit now, we got to roll

Let's blow out of this town

Too bored, hanging around

Sky high, head in the clouds

Never gonna come down

Drums, bass, turn 'em up loud

Free fall, spinning around

Sky high, head in the clouds

Never gonna come down

Take the car and cut the brakes

Driving out into the dark

Even though I love mum and dad

I wanna swim out there with the sharks

I wanna learn to speak Japanese

Razor-sharp on the silver screen

We were made for a limousine

So get your shit now and come with me

Let's blow out of this town

Too bored, hanging around

Sky high, head in the clouds

Never gonna come down

Drums, bass, turn 'em up loud

Free fall, spinning around

Sky high, head in the clouds

Never gonna come down

Blowing bubbles out in the grass

All tangled in the stars, getting faded in the back seat

You can be hanging with us

We used to walk around the backstreets

Swimming pools with no heat

Fuck a dream, I want it for real

Always make it look so easy, moving to the city

Take a little sip of surreal

We're much more than nothing, yeah, we're all just trying to be who we feel

Throwing cake up in the air, we don't care, no

Surfing on a silver wave, wanna let go

We're so bored of being here, we don't care, no

I wanna run, be wild and free, and with my friends standing next to me

Let's blow out of this town

Too bored, hanging around

Sky high, head in the clouds

Never gonna come down

Drums, bass, turn 'em up loud

Free fall, spinning around

Sky high, head in the clouds

Never gonna come down




Hanging a-

Hanging a-




Hanging a-

Hanging around

Лексика к песне


I wanna swim out there with the sharks

Я хочу поплавать там с акулами

Take the car and cut the brakes

Возьми машину и отрежь тормоза


help out

help out phrasal verb

to help someone because they are busy or have problems

Do you need anyone to help out in the shop?

help somebody ↔ out (with something)  

I helped her out when Stella became ill.  

She was helping him out with his mortgage repayments.



To me help out can be used as indirect verb and direct verb.

A person or a thing can "help". But, only a person can "help out".

You never really need to use "help out".

Еще пишут

Next question comes from Rubin. Hi, Rubin. Rubin says, "What's the difference between 'help' and 'help out'?" Okay. Let's start by talking about "help out." We use "help out" when we want to refer to one person doing something for another person to make life easier. It's like someone is assisting or aiding in someone else's life, and we can only use "help out" to talk about actions done by other people. This is a key difference with the verb "help." Because this is used only to talk about people, we can't use this for objects. That means an object cannot help out. An object cannot help me out with something. Let's look at some natural examples of using "help out." "My parents helped me out with the paperwork when I bought my first car." "Do you think you can help us out with this week's homework?" In both of these example sentences, we see the sample pattern, "help out" with noun phrase. In this case, we've seen "help me out with," or, "help us out with." Between "help" and "out," we're splitting that verb, the phrasal verb there, and we're inserting the object, who is receiving the assistance, in that case. In the first example sentence, "help me out with this thing." "Help me out with paperwork." In the second example sentence, it's "help us out with homework." The person receiving help is going in between "help" and "out" there. Help someone out with. "With" introduces that thing that the person needs assistance doing. Let's compare this, then, to the verb "help." Like "help out," we can use "help" to talk about receiving assistance for something, yes, but unlike "help out," we can also use objects with this verb. That means inanimate something. Inanimate means it doesn't move. It's just an object, like a textbook or a camera. These are things that are not people. These things can also help us. By that, I mean they make our life easier, they make our job easier or our studies easier. We can use objects with the verb, "help." Let's look at a few examples. "This textbook really helped me understand English." "My friends helped me move in to my new house." "Can you help us make dinner?" When we use the verb "help," without "out," we follow the verb "help" with the object of that verb. That means the person who is receiving assistance, the person receiving aid. Then, we follow that with the action, the thing that was assisted, or the thing that was made easier for that person. In the first example sentence, "This textbook helped me," the person receiving help, "understand English." That's the thing that was made easier in some way. In the last example sentence, a question, "Can you help us make dinner?" "Us," that's the person or the people, in this case, needing assistance. The thing they need assistance with is dinner. To help with something. Remember, you can use "help out" for people, but you can't use it to talk about things. We can use "help" to talk about people and to talk about things. I hope that this helps you understand the difference between these verbs. Thanks very much for the question. Okay. Let's move on to your next question.


hanging around

hang‧ing /ˈhæŋɪŋ/ произношение обратить внимание, G не читается никак

hang [hæŋ] глаг.:

hang around/round (something) phrasal verb informal

to wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing;

общ: ждать, болтаться, ничего не делать;

I hung around the station for an hour but he never came.

John hangs around with Bill a lot.


hanging /ˈhæŋɪŋ/ noun 1 [countable, uncountable] the act of killing someone by putting a rope around their neck and dropping them, used as a punishment public hangings people who believe that bringing back hanging will reduce the amount of crime; повешение (вид казни)

2 [countable] a large piece of cloth that is hung on a wall as a decoration a colourful wall hanging

Слово hang - очень многозначное слово

в мультитране https://www.multitran.com/m.exe?ll1=1&ll2=2&s=hanging&l2=2


hang [hæŋ] глаг.:

вешать (казнить);

"зависать"? сл. гулять, тусоваться; болтаться без дела

hang about/round глаг.

Gruzovik, перен. тереться






attack [transitive] American English informal

to rob someone, especially when they are drunk and asleep

­Kids on the streets rolled drunks for small change.

вращаться, двигаться, действовать

(all) rolled into one

if someone or something is several different things rolled into one, they include or do the work of all those things

Mum was cook, chauffeur, nurse, and entertainer all rolled into one.

let’s roll spoken

used to suggest to a group of people that you all begin doing something or go somewhere; идти (let's roll outta here – сваливаем/погнали отсюда)

roll with the punches

1. to deal with problems or difficulties by doing whatever you need to do, rather than by trying only one method;

общ. справляться с обстоятельствами, противодействием , часто проявляя гибкость; проявлять изворотливость; приспосабливаться к трудным или проблемным жизненным ситуациям;

Strong industries were able to roll with the punches during the recession.

• In high school you could just roll with the punches.

• Also be aware that the struggle itself can be exhilarating and enlightening, so roll with the punches and enjoy the fight!

• Many industries were able to roll with the punches in a tough economy.


2. бокс. уворачиваться от ударов; This term alludes to the boxer's ability to deflect the full force of an opponent's blow by moving his body.;



другие слова

car-park ['kɑ:pɑ:k]

общ. стоянка автомашин; автостоянка

архит. паркинг

юр. стоянка автомобилей


superstore ['s(j)u:pəstɔ:] сущ.

общ. гигантский универмаг;

брит. розничный магазин с большой площадью торгового зала

рекл. универсам широкого профиля (с прачечной, химчисткой, ремонтом обуви, службой оплаты чеков и счетов, дешёвым буфетом)

стр. суперстор (одноярусный магазин самообслуживания с минимальной торговой площадью 2500 м2)


glow [gləu] глаг.




blow out

1. сл. растратить деньги (мультитран); Slang: To spend (money) freely and rashly. See Synonyms at waste. (theFreeDict)

2. Slang уезжать; покидать; to depart (a place) in a great hurry:

Let's blow this city no later than noon. (theFreeDict)

3. спорт. разгромить; "уничтожить" (Pacers even series, force Game 7 by blowing out Cavs 121-87); "похоронить"; разбить в пух и прах; (мультитран);

blow somebody ↔ out American English spoken

to easily defeat someone

We blew them out 28–0.


free fall ['fri:'fɔ:l]

авиац. свободное падение (часть затяжного прыжка парашютиста)

фин. резкий спад (idiom; The stock market went into a free fall after the housing market collapsed)

sky-high adjective, adverb

1 extremely high

sky-high prices

Her confidence is sky-high.

blow something sky-high

British English to destroy an idea, plan etc by showing that it cannot be true or effective

This new information blows his theory sky-high.

→ blow

blow something sky-high

to destroy something completely with an explosion

→ sky-high



Лексика про всякие сомнительные места

back alley ['bæk'ælɪ]


общ. переулок (позади улицы между двумя рядами зданий ART Vancouver); проезд (сзади торговой улицы, по которому подвозят товары, продукты; иногда с местами для стоянки машин ART Vancouver); неприглядный; нечистоплотный; сомнительный

глухой переулок; задворки

сл. медленная джазовая мелодия (сопровождающая исполнение стриптиза или полового сношения на публике с имитацией вздохов и вскриков);

сл. трущобы; улица (бедный и грязный район города)


общ. неприглядный; сомнительный (о поведении); нечистоплотный; нелегальный; подпольный

backstreet ['bækstri:t] сущ.

общ. задворки; закоулки; переулок; глухая улочка

разг. подворотня; закоулок

noun [countable] a small quiet street that is away from the main part of a town

backstreet /ˈbækstriːt/ adjective [only before noun]

backstreet activities are done in a secret or illegal way, and are often done badly; подпольный, нелегальный

a backstreet abortion

Примеры не понимаю:

Three beer-befuddled construction workers played softball with my head in a backstreet on the mistaken assumption that I was Tom Tunney.

A hot new pachinko machine from a backstreet maker in Osaka has taken the underworld by storm.

Трое одурманенных пивом строителей играли с моей головой в софтбол на заднем дворе, ошибочно полагая, что я Том Танни.

Горячая новая машина для игры в пачинко от уличного производителя из Осаки покорила преступный мир.

take by storm – покорить?



подполье сущ.

общ. underground


underground ['ʌndə'graund] прил.

тайный, подпольный; катакомбный; подземный;


underworld ['ʌndəwɜ:ld] сущ.

рел. подземное царство (The place of departed souls, Hades); царство Аида; тот свет; ад; загробный мир

офиц. уголовно-преступная среда; уголовный мир; организованная преступность; преступное подполье

социол. социальные низы (нижний слой низшего по доходам класса общества, состоящий из люмпенизированных людей, оказавшихся за пределами условий и норм жизни, принятых в современном обществе: нищие, просящие подаяние, бомжи, лишившиеся жилья, беспризорные дети, потерявшие родителей либо убежавшие из дома, алкоголики, наркоманы, токсикоманы и другие лица, ведущие антисоциальный образ жизни); социальное дно (нижний слой низшего по доходам класса общества, состоящий из люмпенизированных людей, оказавшихся за пределами условий и норм жизни, принятых в современном обществе: нищие, просящие подаяние, бомжи, лишившиеся жилья, беспризорные дети, потерявшие родителей либо убежавшие из дома, алкоголики, наркоманы, токсикоманы и другие лица, ведущие антисоциальный образ жизни)


chris orr

Charli XCX brought the 80s music sound back.

Misa Lipa Xcx

I love this decade is. Awesome i love new age pop

Ritaaw T

She´s using the "hanging" expression on almost all of her songs

colloquial [kə'ləukwɪəl] прил.

общ. разговорный; употребляющий разговорные слова и выражения; нелитературный (о речи, слове, стиле); обиходный; разговорный (о языке, словах, выражениях); просторечный

decade ['dekeɪd] сущ.

общ. десятилетие; десять лет; десятилетний период (wikipedia.org Alice Volkov); период в десять лет; группа из десяти (a decade of soldiers)

телеком. десятичный код; тех. знакоместо (цифрового индикатора);

decade ['dekeɪd] прил.

ИТ. декадный; десятичный (десятичный)

Weezer - Википедия

https://ru.wikipedia.org › wiki › Weezer

Weezer — рок-группа из Лос-Анджелеса, Калифорния, основанная в 1992 году. Сейчас группа — это Риверс Куомо (ведущий вокал, соло-гитара), ...

???Что общего у Weezer и  Charli XCX


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outcast ['autkɑ:st] сущ.

1. someone who is not accepted by the people they live among, or who has been forced out of their home SYN pariah; изгнанник, маргинал, "отморозок"?; бездомный человек; бездомное животное; отсаженное из сада растение

Smokers often feel as though they are being treated as social outcasts.

2. выход пласта на поверхность (геолог).




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