Песни на английском

 "Road Trip" from "А Goofy movie"






- Ping-ping-ping.

- Putt-putt-poof!

Ping-ping-ping. Ping-ping-ping.

- Ping-ping-ping.

- Putt-putt-poof.

- Ping-ping-ping.

- Putt-putt-poof.

Do ya need a break from modern livin'?

Do you long to shed your weary load?

If your nerves are raw

And your brain is fried

Just grab a friend

And take a ride together

On the open road

Come on, Maxie! Ayuk!

All in all, I'd rather have detention

All in all, I'd rather eat a toad


Old man drives like such a klutz

That I'm about to hurl my guts


Upon the open road

There's nothin' can upset me

'Cause now we're on our way

Our trusty map will guide us

Straight and true

Roxanne, please don't forget me

I will return someday

Though I may be in traction when I do

- Me and Max relaxin' like the old days

- This is worse...

- Than dragon breath and acne

- In a buddy-buddy kind of way

I'm so mad I think I may explode

- When I see that highway I could cry

- That's funny, so could I

Just bein' out on the open road

Howdy, boys. Is this the way to Nashville?

Watch it, Mac!

Or you'll be gettin' towed

I'm in no hurry to arrive

'Cause I'll be turnin' sixty-five

The next time I sees the open road

- Just a week of rest and relaxation

- Yeah!

And the odd romantic episode Very odd!

And it's Califor-Ni-a or bust

Look out, you dirt-bags, eat my dust

From now on, I own the open road

It's me and little Maxie

My pip-squeak pioneer

They're partners forever, westward ho

- Yee-haw!

- Yee-haw!

Could someone call a taxi

And get me outta here?

To Beverly Hills 90210 // Не понял, как он поет цифры - 2

Oh, every day, another new adventure

Every mile, another new ZIP Code

And the cares we had are gone for good

And I'd go with them if I could

I got no strings on me

I'm feelin' fancy free

How wonderful to be

On the open ro-oad


shed [ʃed] глаг

GET RID OF to get rid of something that you no longer need or want; избавляться, сбрасывать (лишний вес), груз, ненужное.

The company is planning to shed about a quarter of its workforce.

The magazine is desperately trying to shed its old-fashioned image.

a diet to help you shed pounds

weary ['wɪ(ə)rɪ] прил

very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time; утомительный


tired of (doing) something

bored with something, because it is no longer interesting, or has become annoying

I’m tired of watching television; let’s go for a walk.

I was getting tired of all her negative remarks.

tired /taɪəd/ adjective

feeling that you want to sleep or rest

raw [rɔ:] сущ.

общ. ссадина; больное место; обнажённость; что-либо необработанное; что-либо сырое; с ободранной кожей

If your nerves are raw

нервы на пределе! (перевод от гугл)

BODY if a part of your body is raw, the skin there is red and painful

The skin on my feet was rubbed raw.

Having subcutaneous tissue exposed (ободранная кожа?)

(Pathology) (of the skin, a wound, etc) having the surface exposed or abraded, esp painfully

unnaturally or painfully exposed: raw flesh.

all in all

used to show that you are considering every part of a situation

All in all, it had been one of the most miserable days of Henry’s life.

all in all

в общем; итого;

"подводя итог изложенному выше, отметим следующее" (Чаще всего такой вариант перевод оказывается самым адекватным в текстах научных работ. Образец подведения итога сказанному: "ALL IN ALL, Dewey stands out as the most influential educator of his era and of the 20th century. His ideas represent an interesting mosaic of the perspectives of those who influenced him and evolved over time. His ability to relate those ideas to the changing dynamics of his time elevated his assertions to a heightened status that few educators have enjoyed". sashkomeister);

подводя итог изложенному, отметим (sashkomeister);

самое главное дело жизни;

короче (в конечном счёте);


в общем и целом;

в конце концов (как вводное слово)

detention [dɪ'ten(t)ʃ(ə)n] сущ

задержание, арест; the state of being kept in prison

оставить в школе после уроков; a punishment in which children who have behaved badly are forced to stay at school for a short time after the others have gone home


toad [təud] сущ.

общ. отвратительный человек; мерзкий человек; лягушонок; жаба; гадость (sever_korrespondent); мерзость (sever_korrespondent)

авто., амер. грузовой автомобиль грузоподъёмностью 3/4 т

амер. скользкий тип (Val_Ships); ничтожество (о человеке; That miserable toad is lucky to have even a single friend. Val_Ships)

груб. гадина (Andrey Truhachev); тварь (Andrey Truhachev); гадюка (Andrey Truhachev); мерзкая личность (Andrey Truhachev); мерзкий тип (Andrey Truhachev)

зоол. жаба (Bufo bufo)

лес. грузовой автомобиль; жаба (Bufo L.)

окруж. жаба (Any anuran amphibian of the class Bufonidae, such as Bufo bufo of Europe. They are similar to frogs but are more terrestrial, having a drier warty skin; Бесхвостая амфибия класса Bufonidae, напр., европейская Bufo bufo. Похожи на лягушек, но в большей степени сухопутны и имеют более сухую, бородавчатую кожу)

с/х. жаба (Rufo)

сл. деформированное железо; мерзкий парень; противный парень

toad /təʊd $ toʊd/ noun [countable]

a small animal that looks like a large frog and lives mostly on land; лягушонок, жаба;

отталкивающий человек, гадина, тварь, мерзкий тип (A person regarded as repulsive); loathsome person

loathsome /ˈləʊðsəm $ ˈloʊθ-/ adjective

very unpleasant or cruel SYN repulsive

that loathsome little man

loathsome ['ləuθs(ə)m] прил.

общ. вызывающий отвращение; противный; тошнотворный; омерзительный; отталкивающий; отвратительный; гадкий; сволочной

klutz [klʌts] сущ.

(Slang) А clumsy person; а stupid person; a dolt. лох; "чайник"; недотыка; тупица; простак; увалень; недотёпа; дубина; урод; болван; олух; оболтус; растяпа; придурок; неуклюжий человек; всё из рук валится; рохля; тюфяк; размазня; тетеря

hurl /hɜːl $ hɜːrl/ ●○○ verb

1 [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry

Demonstrators were hurling bricks through the windows.

He hurled a chair across the set, smashing lamps and vases.

4 [intransitive, transitive] American English informal to vomit

hurl /hɜːl/

швырять (в злобе); throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry; (физиол) рвать (vomit)


Как перевести? "I will return someday Though I may be in traction when I do"


traction (trăk′shən) n.


a. The act of drawing or pulling, especially the drawing of a vehicle or load over a surface by motor power.

b. The condition of being drawn or pulled.

2. Pulling power, as of a draft animal or engine.

3. Adhesive friction, as of a wheel on a track or a tire on a road.

4. Medicine A sustained pull applied mechanically especially to the arm, leg, or neck so as to correct fractured or dislocated bones, overcome muscle spasms, or relieve pressure.

5. Informal Impetus or advancement, as toward a desired result: The bill gained traction in the Senate and was passed by a large majority.


сцепление с дорогой;

растяжка (медицинское приспособление для вытяжки конечностей);

амер. поддержка (the latest act gains enough traction with... )


Or you'll be gettin' towed

tow [təu] буксир; буксировать (на веревке), эвакуировать


I'm in no hurry to arrive

'Cause I'll be turnin' sixty-five

The next time I sees the open road

Cause I will be turning sixty-five

will be turning

to turn - достигнуть (известного момента, возраста, количества);

odd romantic episode

odd - Deviating from what is ordinary, usual, or expected; strange or peculiar: an odd name; odd behavior (странный);

dirt-bag сл. мусорный мешок

dirt bag сл. уборщик мусора;

dirtbag сущ.

общ. гусь (в переносном смысле Alexander Demidov)

амер. ублюдок; мешок с говном (о человеке);подонок; тварь; падла!

сл. неряха (wikipedia.org Щапов Андрей); грязнуля (wikipedia.org Щапов Андрей)

(informal especially American English) someone who is very unpleasant and immoral

pipsqueak ['pɪpskwi:k] сущ. someone that you think is not worth respecting or paying attention to, especially because they are small or young; мелюзга, козявка, ничтожество, незначительный человек; мелкая сошка

westward ['westwəd] сущ.

общ. запад; направленный на запад; обращённый к западу; движущийся на запад; западный район;


Про цифры - индекс 90210

на 2,44 в песне https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sInzgOKerc&list=PLKXYRkMBnvbe-Zwefx6wVO1LU7W_dkIkP&index=15

oh [ou] 2 n. Zero


В английском языке существует несколько вариантов написания и произношения цифры "0". Смотри урок на https://puzzle-english.com/exercise/zero-nil-naught (нужна платная подписка).


gone for good разг. пропащий

for good - permanently

The injury may keep him out of football for good.

for good

общ. навек; навечно; навеки; совсем (уйти, уехать совсем (навсегда) – leave for good Andrew Goff); насовсем (напр., уехать насовсем – to leave for good anahit); окончательно (My old PC bit the dust for good. • After that, he retired for good. • The relationship ended for good when she pulled that act again. • After that, he retired for good. – После этого он окончательно отошел от дел. 4uzhoj); намертво (Tanya Gesse); навсегда; в благих целях (ad_notam); с благими намерениями (ad_notam); безвозвратно; окончательно

амер. безвозвратно (I'm leaving for good this time. Val_Ships)

разг. насовсем

Игорь Миг, разг. с концами

be gone - уехали, ушли (навсегда); умерли (о людях) или более не существуют (предметы);

a) to be no longer in a particular place

The door slammed and he was gone.

I turned round for my bag and it was gone.

b) to be dead or to no longer exist

His wife’s been gone for several years.

Many of the old houses are gone now.

I got no strings on me

У меня нет никаких обязательств

strings сущ.

разг. обременяющие условия (plushkina); скрытые условия

прогр. цепочки (ssn); строковые последовательности (в русской математической литературе строковые последовательности часто называют "словами" ssn)

no strings (attached)

having no special conditions or limits on an agreement, relationship etc

The policy offers 15% interest, with no strings attached.

We have freedom and no strings attached.

you're gonna get us killed


 Stand out from "А Goofy movie"




Some people settle for the typical things

Livin' all their lives waitin' in the wings

It ain't a question of "if" [it's] just a matter of time

Before I move [moving?] to the front of the line

Once you're watchin' every move that I make

You gotta believe that I got what it takes


To stand out above the crowd

Even if I've gotta shout out loud

"Til mine is the only face you'll see

Gonna stand out "til you notice me, yeah


A little smoke-age!


If I could make you stop and take a look at me
Instead of just (walkin' by)
There's nothin' that I wouldn't do
If it was gettin' you to notice (I'm alive)

All I need is half a chance
A second thought, a second glance to prove
I got whatever it takes

It's a piece of cake

To stand out above the crowd

Wow! Who's that guy?

"Til mine is the only face you'll see

Gonna stand out...

Директор снимает очки с Гуфа

Hey, it's the Goof boy!

We're busted!





settle for sth

to accept or agree to something, or to decide to have something, although it is not exactly what you want or it is not the best:

They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but settled for £1,500.

He wants a full refund and he won't settle for anything less.

She never settles for second best.

to agree to or accept something, although it is not what you want:

They were hoping to sell their car for $2000 but settled for $1500.

to accept something that is less than you hoped for:

They asked for a 5% salary increase, but had to settle for 3%.

Waiting in the wings describes someone who is available on short notice, someone who is ready to step into a situation, someone who can be called upon to help quickly.

Where does waiting in the wings come from? The idiom waiting in the wings is derived from the world of theater.

The wings of a theater ("кулисы") are the areas on each side of the stage where one may observe the activity on the stage without being seen by the audience. Actors stand in the wings before it is their time to go on the stage.


move to the front of the line

Here, let me push you to the front of the line. Вот, давайте я подвину вас в начало очереди.

One of the security guards saw them and escorted them to the front of the line. Один из охранников увидел это и провел их в начало очереди.


I got what it takes

what it takes -that which it reguires

what it takes

The necessary expertise or qualities

The skill, ability, or wherewithal to do something.

The necessary expertise or qualities needed for success: She has what it takes to be a doctor.


This idiom uses what in the sense of "that which" and take in the sense of "require." [1920]



She's got what it takes to make a good doctor

Inherited wealth is what it takes to maintain that lifestyle.

Business Success: What It Takes Успешная торговля: что для этого нужно

So now you know what it takes. Но теперь вы знаете, что для этого нужно.



wherewithal ['weəwɪðɔ:l] n

возможности (деньги, средства, навыки), ресурсы


the wherewithal to do something

the money, skill etc that you need in order to do something SYN means

Does Cath have the creative wherewithal to make it as a solo act



Аналогичную песню по русски пел Николай Караченцев (фильм Нужные люди, 1986 год):

Если надо для любимой, то на южный берег Крыма
Тут же прикачу.
Три луны и два заката, и бриллианты в три карата
Я за все плачу.
О себе я забываю, все, что кровью добываю —
Только ей одной.
Поздно лягу, рано встану, все, в конце концов, достану
Я любой ценой.


А у меня все схвачено
За все давно заплачено
И жизнь моя налажена
На зависть всем
Везде места заказаны
И кое-чем обязаны
Такие люди разные
Что нет проблем

Подробнее на Кино-Театр.РУ https://www.kino-teatr.ru/kino/movie/sov/4573/song/



Eye to Eye (A Goofy Movie), Tevin Campbell



 Текст из субтитров, как звучит в мультике


I got myself a notion

One I know that you'll understand

We set the world in motion

By reaching out for each other's hand

- Dad?

- Maybe we'll discover

- What are you doin' here? Hey!

What we should have known all along

- Yeah

- Max? Max?

- One way or another

Together's where we both belong

If we listen to each other's heart

We'll find we're never too far apart

And maybe love is the reason why

For the first time ever

We're seein' it Eye to Eye

That Goof kid ain't there.

Don't worry, he'll be there.

- Seein' it Eye to Eye

Seein' it Eye to Eye

Excuse me. Uh... Seein' it Eye to Eye

- I think we're seein' it

- Max?

Yeow-ee! Yeow-ee!

Hey, Dad. Dad!

Do the perfect cast!

If you're ever lonely

Stop, you don't have to be

Whoa! Whoaaa!

After all, it's only a beat away

From you to me

- Take a look inside to see

- Yeah

If we listen to each other's heart

Yeah! Max is on the tube!

That's Max. I know him...

And maybe love is the reason why

For the first time ever

We're seein' it Eye to Eye

He did it!

Seein' it Eye to Eye

Seein' it Eye to Eye, baby

- For the first time

- For the first time

- Seein' it, seein' it, baby

- Yeah!

Yeah, yeah

For the first time ever

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Come on, baby

- Eye to Eye

- Eye to Eye

Eye to Eye Yeah, Eye to Eye

Песню хвалят


For the first time ever, we're seeing it I 2 I (criminally underrated song, btw)

timeless ['taɪmlɪs] прил. всегда актуальный, нестареющий, непреходящий, вечный; бессмертный (перен);

time‧less /ˈtaɪmləs/ ●○○ adjective

1 remaining attractive and not becoming old-fashioned

the timeless beauty of Venice

2 literary continuing for ever

the timeless universe


Полный текст песни

I got myself a notion

And one I know that you'll understand

We'll set the world in motion

By reaching out for each other's hand

Maybe we'll discover

What we should have known all along Yeah

One way or another

Together's where we both belong

If we listen to each other's heart

We'll find we're never too far apart

And maybe love is the reason why

For the first time ever

We're seein' it Eye to Eye!

If a wall should come between us

Too high to climb

Too hard to break through

I know that love will lead us

And find a way to bring me to you

So don't be in a hurry

Think before you count us out

Oh, you don't have to worry

- I will never let you down

- Nothin's gonna stop us now

If we listen to each other's heart

We'll find we're never too far apart

And maybe love is the reason why

For the first time ever

We're seein' it Eye to Eye!

Yes, we're seein' it Eye to Eye!

Yes, we are Seein' it Eye to Eye!

Seein' it Eye to Eye!

Seein' it Eye to Eye!

I guess we're seein' it Eye to Eye!, yeah Eye to Eye!

If you're ever lonely, stop

You don't have to be

After all it's only

A beat away from you to me

Take a look inside to see, yeah

If we listen to each other's heart

We'll find we're never too far apart

And maybe love is the reason why

For the first time ever

We're seein' it Eye to Eye!

If we listen to each other's heart

We'll find we're never too far apart

And maybe love is the reason why

For the first time ever

We're seein' it Eye to Eye!

Seein' it Eye to Eye!

Seein' it Eye to Eye!, baby

For the first time

For the first time

Seein' it, seein' it, baby

Seein' it Eye to Eye!, yeah

For the first time ever

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Seein' it, baby, we're seein' it Eye to Eye!

Eye to Eye, yeah Come

on, baby, Eye to Eye, Eye to Eye!

Yeah, Eye to Eye! Yeow-hoo-hoo-hooee!



Edge of a Revolution. Nickelback, 2014

Звук https://lmusic.kz/mp3/nickelback-edge-of-a-revolution/119251



Lyrics https://lyrics.lyricfind.com/lyrics/nickelback-edge-of-a-revolution


Head high, protest line

"Freedom" scribbled on your sign

Headline, New York Times

Standing on the edge of a revolution

Hey, hey, just obey

Your secret's safe with the NSA

In God we trust or the CIA?

Standing on the edge of a revolution

Yeah, we're standing on the edge of a revolution

Revolution, revolution, revolution

No, we won't give up, we won't go away

'Cause we're not about to live in this mass delusion

No, we don't wanna hear another word you say

'Cause we know they're all depending on mass confusion

No, we can't turn back, we can't turn away

'Cause it's time we all relied on the last solution

No, we won't lay down and accept this fate

'Cause we're standing on the edge of a revolution

Wall Street, common thief

When they get caught they all go free

A brand new yacht and a finders fee

Standing on the edge of a revolution

Same shit, different day

Can't keep fed if I can't get paid

We'll all be dead if the shit don't change

Standing on the edge of a revolution

Yeah, we're standing on the edge of a revolution

Revolution, revolution, revolution

No, we won't give up, we won't go away

'Cause we're not about to live in this mass delusion

No, we don't wanna hear another word you say

'Cause we know they're all depending on mass confusion

No, we can't turn back, we can't turn away

'Cause it's time we all relied on the last solution

No, we won't lay down and accept this fate

'Cause we're standing on the edge of a revolution

We'll all be dead if this shit don't change

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

What do we want? We want the change

And how're we gonna get there? Revolution

What do we want? We want the change

Standing on the edge of a revolution

What do we want? We want change

And how're we gonna get there? Revolution

What do we want? We want the change

Standing on the edge of a revolution

No, we won't give up, we won't go away

'Cause we're not about to live in this mass delusion

No, we don't wanna hear another word you say

'Cause we know they're all depending on mass confusion

No, we can't turn back, we can't turn away

'Cause it's time we all relied on the last solution

No, we won't lay down and accept this fate

'Cause we're standing on the edge of a revolution

What do we want? We want change

And how're we gonna get there? Revolution

What do we want? We want the change

Standing on the edge of a revolution

What do we want? We want change

And how're we gonna get there? Revolution

What do we want? We want the change

Standing on the edge of a revolution




Lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

scribble - каракули, небрежные, неразборчивый почерк; писать быстро и небрежно; нацарапать (слова на стене)


From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

scribble /ˈskrɪbəl/ verb

1 [transitive] (also scribble down) to write something quickly and untidily

I scribbled his phone number in my address book.

He scribbled down our names.

2 [intransitive] to draw marks that have no meaning

Someone had scribbled all over my picture.

mass delusion - массовое заблуждение

mass confusion - массовое замешательство

No, we won't give up, we won't go away

'Cause we're not about to live in this mass delusion

No, we don't wanna hear another word you say

'Cause we know they're all depending on mass confusion

common thief - обычный вор

Wall Street, common thief. When they get caught they all go free

confusion /kənˈfjuːʒən/ noun

1 [countable, uncountable] when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear

confusion about/over/as to

There was some confusion as to whether we had won or lost.

create/lead to confusion

The diversion led to considerable confusion.



diversion /daɪˈvɜːʃən, də- $ -ɜːrʒən/ noun

1 [countable, uncountable] a change in the direction or use of something, or the act of changing it

diversion of

the diversion of the river

the diversion of funds into the military budget

2 [countable, uncountable] an enjoyable activity that you do to stop yourself from becoming bored

3 [countable] something that stops you from paying attention to what you are doing or what is happening

Two prisoners created a diversion to give the men time to escape.

4 [countable] British English a different way that traffic is sent when the usual roads are closed


diversion - отвление внимания (от любого занятия); distraction (from work) - отвлечение внимания от работы.

(брит) объезд;

(IT) переадресация; изменение маршрута (авто, авиа и тп); изменение русла реки;

mil. отвлекающий удар; перенацеливание; изменение маршрута следования; отвлечение внимания (противника); переключение (усилий); перенаправление груза; изменение задачи


lay something ↔ down phrasal verb

1 OFFICIALLY STATE to officially state something or say that rules, principles etc must be obeyed

He had already clearly laid down his view in his opening speech.

lay down that

The contract laid down that the work must be completed before 2025.


lay down

сложные значения

6. To give up; to quit or surrender. (This is a common misspelling of the proper term "lie down.")

Come on, you can beat this disease. You can't just lay down and die!

lie down

1. To recline; to be prostrate. (Note: The past tense of this phrase, "lay down," is often mistakenly used as an alternative to the phrase in the present tense.)

I'm going to go lie down for a little while. Wake me before dinner, all right?

I lay down beneath the shade of the sycamore and watched the rowboats in the canal drift by.

2. To give up; to quit or surrender.

Come on, you can beat this disease. You can't just lie down and die!

We have to be ready to put everything we've got into this game. The other team's not going to just lie down and let us win, after all!
