ginhead |
пьяница, алкоголик, ханыга |
Inebriate |
пьяница |
tippler |
/ˈtɪplə $ -ər/ |
тот, кто употребляет алкоголь |
noun [countable] especially British English informal someone who drinks alcohol Пример: Mr Putin, we are told, is more of a red wine tippler. |
bully |
хулиган, задира, обидчик "дед" в армии |
robber |
грабитель |
someone who steals money or property → thief, burglar Armed robbers broke into the shop and demanded money from the till. a bank robber |
hoodlum |
/ˈhuːdləm/ [countable] |
бандит; хулиган-подросток |
Бандит - участник банды, вооруженный грабитель (Ожегов)
a criminal, often a young person, who does violent or illegal things |
hood |
капюшон; (informal) бандит, хулиган |
thug |
/θʌɡ/ |
бандит |
[countable] a violent man |
thief |
/θiːf/ ●●○ noun (plural thieves /θiːvz/) [countable] |
вор |
someone who steals things from another person or place → theft, burglar, robber |
shoplifter |
магазинный воришка |
someone who takes things from shops without paying for them, especially by hiding them in their clothes or in a bag The store has installed hidden cameras to catch shoplifters. |
mugger |
гопник, уличный грабитель |
a person who commits robbery with violence, esp. in the street |
pickpocket |
вор-карманник, щипач |
someone who steals from people’s pockets, especially in a crowded public place |
burglar |
/ˈbɜːɡlə $ ˈbɜːrɡlər/ |
грабитель домов |
noun [countable] someone who goes into houses, shops etc to steal things → robber, thief, cat burglar |
looter |
мародер |
someone who breaks into shops or homes and steals things, after there has been a natural disaster, a war, or a violent protest |
brute /bruːt/ |
/bruːt/ |
жестокий, грубый чел (отморозок, зверюга, тварь) |
noun [countable] a man who is cruel, violent, and not sensitive |
mobster |
член шайки, гангстер, "браток" |
ruffian |
/ˈrʌfiən/ |
(устар) разбойник |
sponger |
/ˈspʌndʒə $ -ər/ |
тунеядец, дармоед, халявщик, нахлебник |
noun [countable] someone who gets money, free meals etc from other people and does nothing for them – used to show disapproval |
Левые слова |
to bully |
издеваться (в армии) Some were condemned for bullying their fellow conscripts |
to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, especially someone smaller or weaker |
to bully |
оказывать давление |
to put pressure on someone in order to make them do what you want bully somebody into (doing) something Don’t let them bully you into working on Saturdays. |
В это ряд добавить:
pimp - a man who makes money by controlling prostitutes
prostitute - someone, especially a woman, who earns money by having sex with people
Heist — амер. жарг. грабёж или кража, особ. со взломом
Nab — поймать, схватить на месте преступления
Prosecute — преследовать судебным порядко
Arraign — привлекать к суду
Indictable offences — Преступления подлежащие уголовному рассмотрению
Crook — жулик
Gang — банда
Advocate — отстаивать
scam [skˈæm] жульничество
noun [countable] informal
a clever but dishonest way to get money
He got involved in a credit card scam.
fraud [frɔd] мошенничество
Saturday's rally to protest alleged fraud in the December 4 parliamentary elections, however, was bigger than the first large protest on December 10
fraud /frɔːd $ frɒːd/ ●●○ noun
1 [countable, uncountable] the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods
tax/insurance/credit card etc fraud
He’s been charged with tax fraud.
electoral fraud
She was found guilty of fraud.
► see thesaurus at crime
2 [countable] someone or something that is not what they claim to be
I felt like a fraud.
The police exposed the letter as a fraud.
Источник: словарь: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/fraud
Fraudulent — мошеннический
ruffian /ˈrʌfiən/ noun [countable]
old-fashioned a violent man, involved in crime
a gang of ruffians
He ran away from the fearsome ruffian.
A gang of local ruffians was passing by and, when they saw what was happening, became infuriated against Richard Baxter.
It's run by that old ruffian, Chatterton.
Everyone who has one insists he has a weapon only to defend his family from outside ruffians.
общ. хулиган; головорез; бандит; негодяй; буян; озорник; озорница; грубиян; мерзавец (Liv Bliss); безобразник (VLZ_58)
амер. a violent person, especially one involved in crime (as in "a gang of ruffians preying upon people who ventured into that section of town")
Synonyms for ruffian
noun hoodlum
tough guy
hoodlum сущ.
общ. громила; бандит; гангстер; хулиган-подросток; отморозок
амер. хулиган
амер., жарг. рэкетир
разг. шпана (Gruzovik)
hoodlum /ˈhuːdləm/ noun [countable]
a criminal, often a young person, who does violent or illegal things
hood /hʊd/ ●●○ noun [countable]
a) a part of a coat, jacket etc that you can pull up to cover your head
Why don’t you put your hood up if you’re cold?
b) a cloth bag that goes over someone’s face and head so that they cannot be recognized or cannot see → balaclava
He was abducted by four men wearing hoods.
thief /θiːf/ ●●○ noun (plural thieves /θiːvz/) [countable]
someone who steals things from another person or place → theft, burglar, robber
Thieves broke into the offices and stole some computer equipment.
a car/jewel etc thief
They were nothing but petty thieves (=thieves who steal small things).
Fractured skull — проломленный череп
Punctured lung — проколотое/пробитое легкое
"Oh, a few broken ribs, fractured skull, suspected punctured lung..."
smuggler - контрабандист
someone who takes something illegally from one country to another
a drug smuggler
juror /ˈdʒʊərə $ ˈdʒʊrər/ noun [countable]
a member of a jury
присяжный заседатель
The Mysterious Juror
Фильм "The Score"
про фильм Score инфа, в т.ч. список глюков https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0227445/goofs/?tab=gf&ref_=tt_trv_gf
На русский перевели: "Медвежатник".
- денежный куш, успешное ограбление;
- задир (зеркала цилиндра).
heist [hˈaɪst] ограбление; амер. жарг. грабёж или кража, особ. со взломом
An aging thief hopes to retire and live off his ill-gotten wealth when a young kid convinces him into doing one last heist.
burglar [ˈbɜrglər] вор-взломщик
No, it's the burglar, he's got himself rather badly injured
scepter [sˈeptə] скипетр, верховная власть
The method used to blow the door off the safe by filling it with water and then igniting a charge would have completely crushed the scepter and the metal box it was in.
Besides, safes aren't watertight.